The clean solution -
for optimum support in the dental lab

Dur-Fix Hardener 200g bag; quantity discount with the purchase of 50 bags.

A good insulating layer of gypsum in the cuvette is particularly important when it comes to manufacturing artificial dentures. An insufficient insulating layer can lead to serious defects in the finished dentures. Gypsum adheres to the surface of the plastic. The denture surface is rough. Whitening of the plastic. The plastic surface is not thoroughly polymerized. Fitting inaccuracies due to thick insulating layer on the model surface. Occlusions in the denture from insulating materials. Good insulation not only guarantees the quality of the finished denture, but also reduces the amount of time required for preparation of the plastic. On the basis of our practical experience we have thus developed an insulation system that eliminates the errors shown above. Preparation of the bath with Dur-Fix Stir the contents of the bag (200g) into 4 liters of lukewarm water until completely dissolved. Insulation procedure: Apply the insulation material to the gypsum surface. Rinse off with a mild jet of water (lukewarm). With compressed air evenly blow off the surface from one side to the other (front teeth >> molars). Submerge into the Dur-Fix solution and swirl approx. 10 seconds. Air-blow the cuvette with compressed air until dry.
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11,90 €

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